Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday,July 9th

Hello Everyone:

It's been awhile since this has been updated, but nothing new has really happened. We went camping the other week and that was great. All the public schools were still going on so we had the park to ourselves pretty much (five other trailers maybe). It was very relaxing and the weather was good. I've been on steriods to build my body up before they start any treatments. Pete was afraid I'd be a bit more "buff" than him but I told him I was built well enough and he should be more worried about the goatee I was going to grow instead - I might just become more handsome than him! The steriods give you a lot of energy and you stay up almost the whole night. I was on them for four days in a row (40 of them in four days) and than you have nothing for four days and I would just crash. No energy, sleepy and very grumpy too. I didn't even want to hang around with me anymore! The happened for three sessions. The only time I did't crash was when we were camping. The doctor didn't tell me I would go up and down like that so I thought it was just me being a lousy cancer patient before any real treatments even started. It was a bit discouraging but a lady from church went through cancer four years ago and told me it was the drugs. I was glad to hear that! I'm now finished with the steriods (last Thursday) so I've been tired. Mornings are good and I have energy but as soon as lunch is done I need a nap. Just last week they started a scheduled with the ladies from church to come and help with some of the housework and to bring some meals and help with the kids when I nap. The kids have been doing a great job of helping me and doing chores but now that doesn't have to be their whole summer. The thing is I never know how I'll be until I wake up - everything is so unpredictable - and that's why the ladies made themselves available. It's great to have so much support from everyone because I couldn't do it all alone. A lot of the time my days are up and down. Sometimes I'm at peace with everything and know where my help comes from but there are days where I feel God is far away. I think a lot of that comes from not knowing what's going on, or when treatments start, or when I go to London.

Sharon,Pete and kids


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update!! I've been wondering how you're doing! I'm glad you had a nice time camping with Pete and the kids, and you haven't lost your sense of humour! I really hope you do enjoy this summer with your family, and so thankful that you are getting so much help, although I wouldn't have expected anything less! We are always praying for you and your family, that God will be close to you. Much prayers!!

Sarah said...

Dear Sharon, Pete and kids,
We know that you know where you strength comes from. We will continue to pray that He reveals His nearness and care to you, and that you will feel His closeness in all you do and go through!
Love, the Devries'