Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hi Everyone:

Monday I went to the hospital for a MRI. I was told I was going in head first and that it might be a bit noisy. I put on a shower cap and then some construction head phones and was rolled into the tunnel. At first it sounded like the theme song to The Rescuers Down Under (kids movie) with all these strange Australian instruments and gongs, then it sounded like someone was hammering away on the outside of the machine which turned into jack hammering, which then just sounded like the neighbour running his lawn mower and I was lulled to sleep!! Every once in a while they would say "We are going to move you now" or "Are you okay in there?". I kept thinking "you keep waking me up". It lasted about 25 mins and it wasn't as bad as I thought. I went to oncology to let them know that I was done so they could hound MRI for results. I was just punching out my ticket to leave the hospital and the machine said "you have 20 mins to leave the parking lot" when the MRI tech came running "Sharon, Sharon (pant, pant, pant) we need you back, we did the wrong sequence. Do you have time?" "20 mins" I said. They offered me a new parking ticket and took me back gowned me up again and wheeled me in for my second nap of the afternoon. This time only 10 mins.
Today I went to my family doctor just for an update and because its protocol when you renew your subscriptions over the phone. He said I look like me yet. Sometimes these steroids can bloat the face and abdomen. At night sometimes my stomach feels a bit stretched but by morning I am back to normal. I was looking on the Internet and the steroids I'm on are a mild chemo - nothing body building about them. Pete said he knew they were chemo. Half the stuff the doctors say go in one ear and out the other, I'm usually tired or my head is in a fog. I like to take someone to the doctors just for the second pair of ears!
This afternoon the oncologist finally called back with the results of the MRI. I have quite a big cut in my spine that will need to be radiated - tomorrow. So I am off the London tomorrow whenever the hospital calls back with a time. She warned me the radiation could be painful right away or might not hit until next week. I'm taking all my drugs with me! They have a Lodge in London close to the hospital that I can stay in, meals included plus a shuttle back and forth. I will be there for three days anyway. Hope to be back for the weekend. It almost sounds like an all inclusive! I'm going to see if they have a pool there!
This past Saturday we had family pictures. My nephew's girlfriend is into photography and does a great job. We went to Inglis Falls and had some shots by the falls and along the trails. Later we went down the road to a farmers field and hopped on some round bales (the farmers were home for dinner). The bales were huge, up to my shoulders! Pete helped me on but I probably should have waited to get help down. I gently slid off by the impact of landing still jarred my back. When I went to oncology on Monday she asked about the pain and I mentioned the family pictures on the round bales. She was stunned and said "Um, don't people usually go to I don't know um..?" "Sears" I said. "Um, yes" she answers. I told her they don't have those kind of props at Sears and they also won't take 200 pictures of you either! The oncologist and I get along quite well actually, she has a sense of humour too, and she doesn't seem that much older than me.
I love to hear from everyone, all the e-mails and cards and comments. The support our family has been receiving has been amazing. All the prayers that carry us, the warm meals at night and the care of the kids and home in the afternoons so I can rest or hibernate and have time to myself. The communion of saints is truly a great gift from God. Hopefully Pete will update the blog while I'm away if anything major comes up. It's great that things are finally happening, but on the other hand - things are starting to happen!! I'm at the point of "let's just do this now". I know that no matter what happens I am safe with the Lord.
Talk to you soon! Love from Pete, Sharon, Natasha, Heather and Shaun.


Cathy said...

Hi Sharon, Pete and family..we pray that all will go well when you head down to London and during your treatments. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Find your strength in the Lord. It is great to hear that you still have your sense of humour...very encouraging for all!! Jeff, Cathy and family

debbie said...

Hi Sharon, Pete, natasja, heather and Shaun: We pray for you each and every day. Praying that God will carry you while your getting treatment in London as well. Caryying you all close to our hearts.
Love Walt, Deb and family

3Men and A Little Lady said...

Dear Pete, Sharon and family,
Thanks for keeping us updated. We continue to keep you close in thought and prayer daily. It is such a comfort to know that our Heavenly Father knows our every need and provides for us in such an amazing loving way. We pray that you will feel His care and love especially now that the treatments have begun.
May the God of all mercies comfort and strengthen you all.

Peter and Petra and family