Monday, January 11, 2010


Happy New Year everyone. I had an appointment to go to London the beginning of December, but London kept cancelling on me for different reasons. In a way it was frustrating because I wanted to know what the doctor's were thinking about my cancer, but on the other hand it was a bit reassuring because I must not have been a priority. Pete and I finally went to London on the 5th of January. The doctor went over all my blood tests and MRI's etc. and thought they looked okay - nothing to worry about. He figured any pain I was having wasn't myeloma related but maybe age or being stiff. I have heard the age thing before (and I happened to have cancer), but I don't think 35 is that old - I feel like a spring chicken in my mind! I can't think what else any pain can be related to, I have always been healthy and active. I asked the doctor "What do I tell people when they ask how my appointment went - in English? Do I tell them the cancer is in remission?". He said "You just tell them that your myeloma is inactive". He did do a few more blood tests there in London just to make sure they compared to the ones I had in Owen Sound. When we came home the kids were asking how the appointment in London went and what did the doctor say. I told them my myeloma was inactive and Shaun said "What's that mean?". I told him "My cancer is sleeping!". I guess this is all good news. In the meantime I have been going to Owen Sound for my I.V. again. I had some jealous stares the last time I went because it seems we always have to wait in oncology for our appointments. It was no different for me, but last time I got called in to the chemo room (where all the IVs are put in) there was a man and a lady hooked up looking like they had been there all day already. Next thing they knew the nurse slide the needle into my hand and gave me the bottle of meds to slip into my pocket and I got up to leave. The man and lady both perked up and said "That's it? You get to go already?!". Who knows maybe they'll be getting the bottle next time!

Overall I've been doing pretty good. Sept. to Nov. were pretty busy months and I felt it too. I was tired and sore off and on. December, surprisingly, was a good month health wise. I wasn't tired or too sore, and I was even active. I did about four runs down the hill on Heather's tube, I played a little volleyball on Boxing Day (I must admit I was nervous about that at first) and our family got Wii Sports for gift giving. I tend to do the "lunge" when I bowl, so by the end of Christmas holidays who knows how many squats I ended up doing. I felt the muscles come alive again! The doctor in London didn't seem to mind my activities, but when Pete & I talked to the family doctor he almost had a heart attack. "Tobogganing and volleyball are impact sports! You have to be careful". I told him it felt good and I didn't over do it - when it started to hurt I stopped. He just looked at Pete and said, "You just can't talk to women".

Pete and I enjoyed our get away at the end of October. We did some ATVing and lots of relaxing! Apparently our "live in nanny" for the week did such an awesome job taking care of the kids that when we came in the door the kids said, "You're home already?!". When I found out all the fun things they did with the sitter I said, "How can I compete with that?". It's good to know they had fun too.

At the end of the month the play I've been helping the gr. 7&8's with will be performed. It's been a lot of fun hanging around with them watching them learn and have a good time. It also gives me something to do and enjoy with Natasha. She will become a teenager at the end of this week. It seems hard to believe that Pete and I getting into teenagers already.

Anyway, health wise things are still looking good. That is a lot to be thankful for. I'm still keeping up with my regular house chores and being a mom and wife, plus a few little side events. I don't take on too much and say no to things that in another time I would have agreed too.

Hope you all had a good holiday break and a good start to the new year. There may not be much to tell in the next little while since my health is doing well. That's a blessing.

Thanks for checking in and all your continued prayer and support.

Love from Pete, Sharon, Natasha, Heather and Shaun.


3Men and A Little Lady said...

Dear Pete and Sharon and family
Thanks so much for the update. Praise God from whom all blessings continue to flow.
We pray that the cancer will stay sleeping for a very long time!!
Thanks Sharon for all your efforts with the Grade 7/8's...Nathan is really enjoying it.

Marietta said...

Dear Sharon,
Thanks for your update; wonderful news! May the Lord continue to be with you and your family!

Albert and Chris said...

Just read your update as I was wondering how things were going over there. Glad to hear that the cancer is sleeping. Let's hope and pray that it stays that way! Any camping plans for the summer? Natasha turned 13 huh? My teenager (Calvin) has his first summer job!! Yikes. I guess we are getting old! We continue to pray for you all. Love ya. Chris