Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 23rd, 2008

Well hello again!

For those who thought I was just going to do a report ...your wrong! Yesturday I was in London for Sharon, doc visit and all said and done I took her to the Mandarin for supper, in between plate full, she wrote out the blog so it's another journal (and she ate more than me). I would also like to take this time to thank everyone for the cards,calls and e-mails, what a family we have out there far and near, also the people that ask how my children and I are hanging in. It's a tough road, a lot of weight on our shoulders but still manageable. There's one saying growing up that I'll never forget:"Not a hair will fall from your head if it is not HIS will", now Sharon's turn...

So far radiation is going well, not many side effects. Radiating a 3" long by 1" wide spot on my spine. All I feel is a bit of heat spreading through. Radiation Dr. is ordering CAT scan for my chest, he noticed a spot he wants to look at by the sternum. Pelvic x-ray is not bad, holding off any radiation that would be needed there.
Stem cell Dr. met with us yesturday, he was very blunt and upfront which is good. I have to do about 4-5 rounds of steroids before stem cell dialysis can start, so that will probably happen late September-early October. After harvesting and a machine separating white cells away from the red cells and platelets (we want the white cells) than heavy chemo will start. It will probably make me infertile and bring on menopause early, this is ok with us. The Lord has blessed us with a family. The stemcell harvest is a one time procedure, it gives me a remission of 1-4 years before it will come back. Than they hope to have newer improved drugs to help beat it down, there is no cure, just treatments. These are statistics for people mostly in old age. Hopefully being young and healthy will give me a bit more remission time, only God knows. After transfusion which will cathered above my heart and used to feed me (if needed), it will take 3-6 months to get to the point I'm at today! I can only leave the hospital once I can eat and drink on my own. The hospital stay will be about one month with NO kids visiting and ONLY healthy adults. No colds, coughs, sniffels, fever, etc!! or I'm a goner. There's a 5% chance of not making it through the transplant procedure alone. My immune system will be shot for 1-2 years, I can get shingles, cold sores, viruses, etc., very easy. I was told by the doctor to expect a rough road ahead. One day at the time, today is good we'll see what tomorrow brings! Everything is in God's capable hands.
The lodge doesn't have a pool but they do have all you can eat fruits and unlimited gingerale! The elevator doors open before you get to the next floor. There are no locks on the doors but our closets lock. Bingo is Wednesday, Eurchre on Tuesday, movies on Monday, support group on Thursday, Friday check-out. We are having a good time at the lodge though and the service is great and the people go above and beyond what you'd expect. Many patients talk about their treatments but are always smiling. My friend and I go out at night. After treatments all day, I don't really want to hear about it all night. 2 days down, 8 to go.

Much Love,
Pete, Sharon, Natasha, Heather and Shaun


3Men and A Little Lady said...

Dear Pete and Sharon, and family

We continue to bring you before our Heavenly Father's throne of grace. Though the path before you may seem long and very hard, take heart. Your Heavenly Father will never lead you where His amazing grace will not sustain you!! May He continue to be your refuge and strength, an ever present help in time of need.
Love, Peter and Petra and family

sonja said...

Pete, Sharon and family,
We hold you in our daily prayers. May God continue to give you strength for each day.
Love James & Sonja Heeringa & family

Antuma Dairy said...

Dear Pete Sharon and family

You are always in our thoughts, take everything one day at a time.
This song came to mind and we want to share it with you,

"Everywhere I go the Lord is near me
If I call upon Him He will hear me"

The farmers gang Antuma Dairy